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"Authentically me"

I have sought out a couple dear friends to me that I look up to that are readers and writers asking for their opinion and feedback of this blog I've been writing for a little over a month. It's not about the numbers, it's about me journaling my path to finding Gods will and hoping that other people can learn or relate so they don't feel alone and give up. There are times though that I wonder of it's worth the criticism and vulnerably that I'm subjecting myself and family to. Honestly I believe the brief thoughts I have are satans setback trying to overtake my thoughts so I will just stop. I dont need Satan devaluing me to know how much he hates these messages, it must be like watching failure splashed in his face as we thrive to keep our home godly. I've been reading "The resolution for women" based in the movie "Courageous". Priscilla Shrier was the chosen author to write this book after the movie. I read several of her books and like the realness she conveys. I found myself wishing I could write this blog like I read books with my favorite women in ministry and as effective in helping others when I came to the chapter "authentically me".... Our God has a way of correcting and comforting like no other can I just say out loud "hallelujah". Word for word, she said she had a young new writer email her with concern if not writing with enough "depth and intrigue". As I, the girl compared writing styles wanting to be more like her favorite writers. Priscilla Shirer goes on to say every writer goes through stages of that, but then said this, "some readers will only hear, understand, and accept certain things when they read them in your words, from your perspective, written in your voice. We were each created by God to do our part. And if we fail to do it because we don't think were valuable enough, great loss will be suffered. Someone, somewhere, needs you- in all of your uniqueness- to step up to the plate of your calling."

Really? WOW! For years I have been writing and journaling and finally decided to share. With all the movement going on in my heart and all my talks with God this week asking him to speak clearly to me....well, that was pretty darn clear. Almost scary! She goes on to say, "so come take your place. Embrace your special role. Enjoy the thrill of capitalizing on your strengths without wallowing in misery over your lacks and differences or allowing yourself to feel threatened by those traits you should be celebrating in those you admire. You are not a mistake, no mere outcome of happenstance. Your creation was supernaturally superintended by Almighty God. You are extraordinarily significant". I don't mean to just write someone else's words and call them my own, but I just had a breakthrough moment and wanted to share. If you are reading this still, I have one more quote from that section of the book and maybe it will also help you in something your facing. "Rather than seeking to impress and outperform others, and rather than feeling ashamed by what you don't have and can't do, relish the opportunity to stand as a living, walking, eating, breathing example of what Gods grace can do with a woman He has set apart, weaknesses and all, to be a sacred vessel in his service. You are a purposeful place setting. A masterpiece worth celebrating. Nothing commonplace about that". And you thought I wrote long sentences lol. I hope this has found you and reached your heart like it has mine today wherever you are in your life, do something great whether you have support from others or not. Thank you Lord for speaking to me clearly today.


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