I'm excited more and more about learning the differences between religion and relationship. I know I've talked about it before, but with actually embracing it a bondage is broken and joy is restored. I have mentioned many times before where I felt the church and/or Christian people had let me down and crushed my spirits. I put church leaders on pedestals as if they were the untouchables and really honestly idols. I wanted to be them, and watched what I said acting in my best behavior because if I was myself then they would know I don't belong. That was a lie from devil himself! We are wanted and loved. We are children of God and although for some of us who were abused in any way growing up we felt we were a burden to our parents and thought they regretted having us because we're always in the way or causing a problem. We put on our best behavior trying to make them happy to gain approval and yet were left feeling unworthy, so we behave with different personalities tryin...
Searching for Gods will, desire and plan for me as Im changing my heart, attitudes, desires and flesh into an intimate relationship with Christ and his will.....but the process from cold to warm to hot has been challenging. Learn from my experiences and know that you are not alone in this adventure we call "life".