I have sought out a couple dear friends to me that I look up to that are readers and writers asking for their opinion and feedback of this blog I've been writing for a little over a month. It's not about the numbers, it's about me journaling my path to finding Gods will and hoping that other people can learn or relate so they don't feel alone and give up. There are times though that I wonder of it's worth the criticism and vulnerably that I'm subjecting myself and family to. Honestly I believe the brief thoughts I have are satans setback trying to overtake my thoughts so I will just stop. I dont need Satan devaluing me to know how much he hates these messages, it must be like watching failure splashed in his face as we thrive to keep our home godly. I've been reading "The resolution for women" based in the movie "Courageous". Priscilla Shrier was the chosen author to write this book after the movie. I read several of her books and like th...
Searching for Gods will, desire and plan for me as Im changing my heart, attitudes, desires and flesh into an intimate relationship with Christ and his will.....but the process from cold to warm to hot has been challenging. Learn from my experiences and know that you are not alone in this adventure we call "life".