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Showing posts from August 12, 2012

When your handed a half glass of water.....

Ever wonder how two people can go through the exact same event and they tell you two completely different stories? We always assume that someone isn't telling the truth, but I'm learning that the way people perceive things are different. You can have a situation with two different stories because no two people are alike, we internalize, process and react differently than each other. I'm sure you've seen the demonstration of a glass filled half of water sitting on a table and the demonstration is that a pessimistic person would say the glass is half empty while a optimismist would say it's half full. Then you have the opportunist comes along and drink it because he saw opportunity. That demonstration has really shaped the way I look at people and situations in life. There are people who have been victims of life that remain a victim and in my book categorized as a "victim of a victim" they represent the pessimist that life is awful because awful things ha...