Of course, the title takes me back to those two (haha) little red headed girls trying to get their parents back together but in this case Im talking teenager!!! HELP!!! Can I even change the font letters to be bigger and bolder when I scream help? I'll admit, I thought I had it pretty easy having all boys and considered a drama free zone as a reward to my perfectism (yes, Im choking and gagging along with you)....but this hormonal thing that I have heard all my friends talk about and as Im having flashbacks of what was said to me at this age...OMG! I have great kids, dont get me wrong....but they cant know it all! There is an answer for everything, a eye roll for everything, a sarcastic remark and final word for everything, "ughs" for everything asked, tears and mental breakdowns...UMMM, I think my mom packed a broken record in my house because I am flashing back to twenty years ago. I wasnt arguing everything why the heck did they keep annoying me with that, they were just asking questions and I made a statement, what was so wrong with that? I'll tell you whats wrong with that it makes me want to punch you in the face and Im supposed to like you. Yes, maybe this is a whine, maybe more like a desperate plea...please anybody out there? This is the first one and I have to supposedly live through this three times. I will thank my lucky stars that I dont have girls, and am thankful my kids seem to be on the right track with right and wrong. So far, no actual girl relationships, just friends. Im amazed at some of the other kids, but then I think I started some of this in the sixth grade hes in almost tenth...whew! Im too young for this, this is supposed to happen to old parents, not cool, young, hip parents. Oh geez does this mean, I will have early mid life crisis or is this what leads us all to it? I have realized hes bigger than I and actually spanking has become a laughing matter at this point which only infuriates me more, at some point grounding wont work because they will realize I cant actually make them stay in there rooms well and stay legal lol....they have a tolerance to soap in the mouth and they love onions so that option is out. Taking things away? Well, my kids seem to think they have so much who cares, so that option is out. Hmmmm, I could always stick them on a summer camp bus (again) that seemed to be miserable lol. My only choice is to seek counsel and face it head on. I dont want to make the same mistakes my parents did and lose them, but if they are anything like me (and they are), they probably will do life their way. I really hope that I have done a well enough job to provide them wings to fly on their own and they dont spend the time I did wasting life away. I have really done a major change (I thought) in the last two years (almost three now) and when my family was asked if they like the new me they (oldest son speaking) stated that he hadnt seen a difference. I have never felt that low from a comment that someone else had said in my entire life, which really meant I wasnt doing my job in the home as a mother or my rebellious teenage son was being defensive to himself as I had done or my son picked up my double life. Either way, it was a deep hurt. Kids dont come with a specific instruction manual (yes, the bible)....but all I tried to do was treat my kids the way I wished my parents would have and through that I have learned alot about my parents and even thank them for some things they did and lessons they taught. I admit that I never had the desire to have kids and was pretty selfish for awhile, but at 19 and no desire for a family...I think I did pretty well with a baby and a husband with Leukemia, working several jobs as a high school dropout, caring for a baby and husband. Did I mess up, Im sure...but I love my boys and each one of them has saved me literally from some kind of major sin and darkness in my life and I hope I can be the one to keep them out by my prayer and examples. I have no doubt my boys (ok two of them) will make excellent husbands and fathers, the other one well lets just say.....hmmmm. Got it, he will be an excellent entertainer and hopefully use his ability to make people laugh as a tool to lead people to Christ. He is an adventurist, so maybe a missionary (I can dream cant I?). I know the best thing I can do is pray through this time, but if anyone out there has any advice, tips, knowledge for boys growing up without sisters, please let me know!! All the stories of multiple boys in the family in the bible killed, cheated and despised each other lol...need more revelent answers on this one!! I think this is the real parent trap...to strangle them or not?
Here we are again...another year has passed and Im in my normal buhumbug Christmas attitude with declining spirit as the years go by. Its really my same gripe and complaint every year of the expectation and greed that has taken over the idea of a gift. I dont mean to bring others down with me, but it seems my husband is losing his spirit as well. Our house has been known for its lights and light show but this year no lights, no decorations and its the 18th of December. My kids are grown.. well I say that, but really the baby has been jipped. Hes 16 so never here, but we always did the Christmas stuff because we had kids to make it special for. Everyone around us thinks we have it all together...does facebook do that to people? I feel like Ive always been raw and real which is not always to my advantage when your bi polar like me things just come out. The truth is, I just dont have any Christmas in me anymore. I see everyone else getting together and making cookies and candies, visitin
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