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The depths of financial hell.....

There are moments in life when we are not even swimming, we are just trying to keep our heads above water and there are those when we are drowning. I have learned that in the moments of drowning to stop fighting for life and let go because we serve an amazing God that promises us that he will provide our needs for us. Its interesting to see what we as Americans determine as needs. I do have a lot of frustration with tenants and am trying to change my attitude, but so far I just cant. I watch them everyday get government money and paychecks larger than mine and yet choose not to pay the rent which is half my mortgage. I have heard them tell me they had to do this or this came up and thats why they cant pay, but what I cant get through the minds is that we are all living the same life. If you need more money, sell your "stuff", eat less, work more and learn what real sacrifice means. Its really hard to travel the world on mission trips and see what in our terms of "nothing" and see how happy they are and yet, we live in such a spoiled, irresponsible and disrespect culture that people have no concept or dignity when it comes to paying people they owe. I am working several side jobs right now to put gas in my car and feed my kids, thats what I do when the money isnt enough. We cut expenses, sacrifice our lifestyle and work harder. I am not stressed, freaking out, worried, angry...I am simply doing what God asked us to do in fact, it tells me that he trusts me enough to test me in times like this. Im the kinda girl that loves a challenge so I live this way. God wants to see what Im going to do with money he gives me, so when I pay off debts and the people I owe first, he always provides the food, gas and more side jobs (opportunities) to  make more. If I instantly take care of my family with food, clothing and wants, then I fail the challenge because it tells God that I dont trust him enough to take care of my family while I take his money and pay people I owe first. We should not owe people and that Im still working on, but people I owe will always come before me and my kids because I have enough faith and trust in Gods promises that he will provide. I dont know how to get peoples minds and hearts to change, but there is a big picture and when you get out of your own desperate box and see the big picture, Gods plan and design then you can rest assure you will not be drowning and I will tell you when you make that decision then things will get worse before they get better, but thats the test and trial to see if you will remain faithful. When you endure hard times, you dont need to reach to other sources to take care of your family, you pray harder and spend smarter. When you ask God where his money goes instead of trying to swim yourself, just know you have a life raft and you will not drown. You will choke, you may lose consciousness, but you will not drown as long as you put your trust and faith in God. The hardest part of payday is tithing and gifting first when you have a pile of bills to pay and no food, but I promise if you do it Gods way, then he will trust you with more in life. Its hard for me to watch people run in circles and go nowhere....they are thinking this is all life has to offer. I assure you if this is all life has to offer, you are very blessed because Ive been around the world. Start thanking God for his lessons and test of obedience and start welcoming them when they come because that means you doing something right and something great is about to happen. We are in a financial disaster right now, but we know fair time and holidays are coming every year, we should be like the wise ant that works all year to store food instead of squandering all we get and suffer in times like these. It was our choices that got us here and we have nobody to blame but ourselves, but Im thankful that our God is merciful and has the patience to teach us these lessons over and over just as a parent teaches their child. You love them even when they mess up and you keep trying until they get the new lesson. Im begging you, if you feel financially sunk, the more sacrifice and praise you give....the more blessing you will see. Changing the powerful mind to grasp new concepts and view your world and the world differently is the absolute hardest part, once you see money in the way it was meant to be, not an idol but a blessing for the many things you can use it for to serve others in faith and trusting Gods word and promises to take care of us then you will not only start swimming might even walk on water!!!


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