I wish I can just say Russia is on the other side of the world and its none of my business what they are doing and go on with my perfect little life but somehow Ive grow up and matured a little and Im scared to death. There are days Im ready to build and fully stock a bunker and looking up survival tactics for a nuclear attack, other days Im convinced it will blow over and other days I think is this the end? Why fight for a life that we would be left with or a life without possibly my children depending where were at when the world breaks out into nuclear war. How would you breathe, drink, eat if no electric or sunshine or chemicals filling the air and burning all life outside. no electric, no banking, no automobiles working because they are powered by electronics. Does paper money have value if you even have it because a banking electronic system wipes out everything in the bank. What about medicines and drs, we are basically back to stone age in a time that people have no respect and with martials law, you not only have to figure out how to survive but how to protect yourself. Everything we have worked for our entire lives will be of no value. Makes you wonder what you have spent your life doing and why. I have had many sleepless nights in the last month on how to survive but the song that says, "people get ready, Jesus is coming" keeps replaying in my mind so I just have to wonder is Jesus coming and this is the revelation or does this revelation and attack end our lives that we see Jesus by the vapor or chemicals or burning of the land? I am also conflicted with the verse "God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of sound mind" before falling back to sleep so where do we draw the line of preparing to survive or giving up and accepting whatever happens...happens? What if were stuck between not dying from an initial attack but left to survive yet being unprepared and suffering because we didnt take it seriously? How far is too far in protecting yourself and your family if the unthinkable happens? I read something today that someone posted that read "jesus coming doesnt mean build a bunker but to build a bigger table and invite people to it" which makes it pretty clear to get my spiritual affairs in order rather than trying to survive something we werent meant to survive. Then I have the anger aspect...all of this destruction, hurt, loss because of one person in this entire world and it ends of his power and greed. One person has the power to end the world within 30 minutes? One person. My heart aches for those in Ukraine absolutely aches. This can be the whole world within 30 minutes. Could you get to your kids and family members in 30 min? I never dreamed of working my tail off scrubbing toilets everyday and raising my children for the whole world to just end with in minutes. My dad thinks Im overreacting but Im really concerned... I dont want to take things lightly, but I dont want to be the crazy person preparing for the world to end... I feel like chicken little "the sky is falling". What are your thoughts?
I talk to so many couples that are ready to throw in the towel because they dont see light at the end of the tunnel and feel like they just married the wrong person. That is one of Satans biggest lies and yet its amazing how many of us fall for that one (including me). The fact is when we grow up thinking of marriage we want and see the fairytale. Everything we read and watch is a story ending in a fairytale and when we feel like we are living in a nightmare instead of a fairytale, we just assume and believe we married the wrong person and instead of making your own fairytale, you opt for divorce or thoughts of divorce (which are just as damaging). Ive said it before and Ill say it until the day that I die, "Love is a choice" and to go one step further, "Happiness is a choice". Ever heard the saying. "The grass is greener on the other side, until you step in the poop"? Its true, we see other marriages or our single friends and just think that they have the...
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