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 My God is stronger... he will not let me go.

I spent the first part of the pandemic in defense mode and the last few months feeling helpless and confined. Ive had pity parties that mission trips around the world and travel has been cancelled. It has taken me months to realize that people arent cancelled. It might be a pandemic and it might have been a political election year but we are still people. People that need the word of God and hope perhaps more than ever. We are people that need food, medical care, and peace. We are people that need each other, people that need understanding and compassion. People that are hurt and lost. We are people that are homeless and kids that need parents. While events, traditions, entertainment and some freedoms have been put on hold...Humanity and love are not cancelled. Life is not cancelled. When did we decide staying in our homes safe was worth challenging what our purpose and mission of life is? To love and to serve others, to love our neighbors, to feed the hungry and take care of the sick is what were called to do. The world might be scary, but its not over....yet. I feel like I gave up fighting for others when I was compromised. What does that say about me? What does it say about us? Our neighbors, our communities, our nation need us to stand up and do what were called to do. People are supposed to take care of people...not themselves. As I drove through the Ozarks this fall I was reminded once again the beauty of Gods creation, the beauty of the world he created for us to prosper, nurture and grow. Gods beautiful masterpiece reminds us that he doesnt make mistakes. the beautifully colored tress are absolutely breathtaking and the clarity in my spirit was found through the whisper in the quiet. Those trees are different shapes, sizes, colors and heritages. Those trees were in different stages of their lives but the beauty of it all is that together they made a gorgeous landscape that are all apart of something bigger. No matter where we are in life, it keeps going. The leaves at the end fall off and die for new seeds to be created and the tree survives. The tree survives harsh winters fighting and shedding off brittle dead leaves but Spring comes and there is regrowth and beauty in the struggle. We must remember seasons change and seasons end making room for new beauty. We shine and we fade but another season is coming. In an election year we hear so much chaos, its important to research the facts, not what youve seen or heard. Ive learned so much on socialism and capitalism and what those choices look like for everyone. I would be lying if I said I wasnt concerned. It is times like these that make us reflect on what the meaning of life is. Ive wasted so much precious time I had on things that never truly mattered in the big picture. In the movie "Bruce Almighty" they say "If you want to see a miracle... be a miracle". Is it too late or is it just the beginning? 


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