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You better "Belize" it (Days 4-7)

Day 4- Im in LOVE with the food and my team (Have I mentioned that?). Its day. A day of traditions, families and rest. Although my migraine wont let up, it was overcast today so I got to enjoy the day a little better. Every other country service I have been to is outdoors or open building with no a/c, packed tightly and last FOREVER!!! BUT- The spirit moves, people are full of joy and the music is incredible. Its the most surreal surrounding as your surrounded by people you don't know and cant understand yet see God so clearly. Its one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced in my life and when Im stressed to the max daily, I can close my eyes and hear the music and see the people, sounds and even smells of the church services around the world and it brings me to a place of quiet and sense of Godly peace. Taking deep breaths and embracing it can bring me to a place of serenity in any trial or storm.

"All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we have an eternal prize. I run with a purpose in every step, I am not just shadowboxing." 1 Corin 9:25-26 NLT

Day 5- WORK DAY YAY!!!! I am on a team of workers and servants and its absolutely amazing. We cleaned and painted the kitchen, painted the church soundbooth, stained the groundskeepers family home and cleaned out the pastors office. Our team of 17 ROCKS! We took a break and went for ice cream (and wifi) and the weather was beautiful....or maybe Im just on clouds for getting to serve Heather style today!! The devotions and messages this week have been repeated over and over "forgiveness". Being available to God no matter what you've done with the past. They have been about Boldness and being sold out to God, basically living radically. Every reference story has shown me the richness of this group. Tomorrow is back to the village for outreach and VBS.

"Gods gifts put mans best dreams to shame" Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Day 6- "La Gracia" is a lot like most of my village experiences in other countries. Very poor, no electric or running water. They washed in the river. There structures were not sturdy yet the smiles on everyones faces just melt my heart (everytime). Our group was able to purchase rice and beans to deliver to families as we invited them and their children to VBS. The views of the jungle, plants and flowers, fruit trees and scenery were absolutely stunning, but the living conditions always break my heart especially as a home builder. One thing I have noticed is that I have only seen women and children. The men were either at work or they didn't have one. I mean the villages were completely manless except our team. The only time I saw men was at church, never in a home or village. I cant believe I sang and danced (yes, I did) to "Father Abraham" tongue out and all!! The kids just stared and watched. Have they never heard the song before? Not even a crack, giggle or smile just blank stares. They spoke English so I think they understood? I was Jonah and the whale again for puppets and resumed my position at the coloring table. Tough crowd though!! I was overheated during food distribution, but I love it so much I sucked it up but finally felt better by VBS. I also realized I had a smile on my face and my attitude had changed making VBS today much more enjoyable than last week (even though its not about me). It is always such a blessing to see smiles while handing out food, water, supplies or even candy. One little girl had the most infectious laugh I think I have ever heard. I hope a seed was planted in her heart and she can grow up to harvest the word of God in her family and village. It really was a beautiful day.

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile" Albert Einstein

Day 7- "Free Day" If I live to tell about ziplining in the jungles of Belize and cave tubing with the crocodiles (Thanks Kelly), then I will be thankful forever that I had the opportunity to live life to the fullest.

And after (HAHA)....Ziplining was awesome and cave tubing was magical. We toured the jungle and learned about plants, trees, insects that protect and even heal. It opened my eyes to the intricacy of God. He even has a job for the tiny ant. There is a tiny ant made to sting three times an army ant and send out a venomous poison to protect a certain plant. The detail in the jungle as to what you use for healing or ink or nourishment is simply amazing that every tiny to large thing that God created has a purpose whether an ant or a tree. Everything is living and working together to make something and it all just works together to grow or protect. Simply awed in creation today. The church service tonight was the most moving act I have ever seen when the pastor of our group went before the congregation and got on his knees to pray and call out to God and one of the young boys came over to him, laid hands on his forehead then hand in hand and prayed. This little guy has imprinted my heart forever and a reminder of the childlike faith we should all have. Absolutely precious <3

"If your in Gods will- everything finds its own place and works together" Jodi from devotion

"You were rescued to be a rescuer" Pastor Jud Wilhite


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