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A New Creation

Ezekiel 36:26-27 "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws"

I have spent my entire life feeling like I was never going to make it as a "church" person because I simply just cant seem to get a grip on the history, knowledge and understanding of scriptures. I have tried to memorize and study and it just doesn't stick leaving me feeling defeated and not good enough. After hearing a message from the author "The Artisan Soul", I have been refreshed and renewed. I read word for word in the book the questions that have hindered myself since I became renewed in Christ. The truth is I have many friends I grew up with that know word for word, story by story of the bible and every history point there is to make from the bible college studies they went to. I don't have that and have always felt below average, but the truth is when I look at their lives they are a book of facts and when I look at my life, I am the essence of spirit..... I feel power in the name of the Lord, I am excited to wake up each morning and see what adventure and lessons I will learn each day. I go to him for wisdom and clarity and understanding. I praise and worship all day and all night. I might not know what countries the bible was written in, but I dance with Jesus daily AND ITS MORE THAN OK, ITS INCREDIBLE!!!! If I read back through all my blogs I see the struggle of trying to fit in, trying to conform, but God didn't make us that way. He is the potter who made us and formed two handmade, authentic pieces can ever be alike. We are art, we are unique, we were formed just the way the artist designed us from his spirit. I am so thankful that I watched this message today and so thankful I read the book at this time when I feel like there has to be more to my life and that I was made for more, Im not alone. The last two blogs I posted this feeling of knowing theres more for me than what Im doing and this book confirms it. I am a free spirit who is trying to be conformed into being normal and Im not normal so the insides of me just battle each other, but reading this book tells me Im right and Im not alone. I cant tell you how excited I am to travel on this journey to embrace who I am instead of trying to be someone else. No, I dont know what my talents or gifts are, but Im excited to find out. Im excited for once in my life to just be me and to not only accept it, but to embrace it. I am genuine, I am real but now I have the security and fulfillment to keep my passion and fire within burning. This is exciting!! The verse I posted at the top represents my transformation over the last 3 1/2 years. I have felt it all for some time now, but this verse writes it out. Ive experienced Gods hand in my life, forming me for this time. Paul says, "we are new creations, the old is gone and new has come", but Ezekiel says, "my heart of stone will be a new heart of flesh, and his spirit will be put in me to obey his laws". There are so many places I could take these versus but Im choosing today to leave them alone. I will say again as I have already posted that within my new spirit has come new eyes and I see God differently as well as his covenants and laws. I don't behave the same way because I am new and have different laws, not of this world. Its ok to want to be different, not only is it ok, its the way we are designed. I wrote on my scripture board last week "beautifully and wonderfully made" and signed GOD at the bottom so each morning when I wake up that is what is looking at me. Im in love. Beautiful, crazy love. Yes, Im jumping around my house with excitement. I feel so free and the flame within just keeps burning with light and life. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!


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