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Thankful November

I enjoy reading all the thankful November post, I just have a personal different conviction about it. I cannot block out one month to be thankful when I have so much to be thankful about starting with the fact that I woke up this morning. Im am blessed beyond measure yet deserve none of it. But there is something that I don't do enough of......... Im relationally challenged, therefore I struggle with people. In place of 31 things that Im thankful for, I would like to post 31 relationships that I am thankful for. I don't tell people enough how much they mean to me even though my heart is full of love and admiration. Most of the people on this list wont ever even know this existed, but that's not what this is about. This is very difficult for me and challenging, not because of how many, but I don't want to leave out or hurt any feelings. Its hard for me to search deep and put into words how much people mean to me, which is something that most people find a bit easier than I.

(In no particular order)

1. I am thankful for my dad. Most people think my dad and I have been close my entire life and nothing could be opposite. I started very (very) slowly building a relationship with my dad when Christian (14 yo) was born and even then it was stretching to call it a relationship. When I became pregnant with Kaleb (11 yo), my house became too small and I asked if I could move in with him. It was the best thing I had ever done. I have learned so much from dad and even though neither one of us show emotion, I have a great admiration for him. Most of all I learned the reason we bonk heads is because we are just alike. With maturity that grows from enemies to looking at things differently. We have very strong personalities, but I can see my growth in Christ as I handle situations much differently than before. I am also thankful for my stepmom Mary. At this point, she more a friend than a parent in my life. She was a single mom of 3 girls and a business owner. I admire her drive and passion. We have a lot in common and I have learned to relate to my dad through her calmness and laughter.

2. I am thankful for Jerry and Jean Cunningham. They have showed me what family is supposed to look and be like. The Cunningham family has a lot of love and support for each other like I have never experienced. They are the best supporting grandparents for all three of my kids that I could ever ask for. They took Christian in as he was their own before we gave them their own and I will always hold that close to my heart. From the moment I was introduced I have had more hugs and "I love yous" in the last 12 years then in my entire 33 years combined. I love the family bonds and relationships they have with each other. They talk out the issues of the family as a family and conquer them as a family and I have learned to embrace it the last four years instead of fighting it as before.

3. I am thankful for my grandparents. I never realized the sacrifices they made for me until I became a parent. They stepped in as parents so many times they are uncountable. I inherited a heart of gold my grandpa (dads father) and my moms mother (grandma). I will give anything to anyone and they both exemplified that on countless accounts. I witnessed love for others through their examples and also both worked very hard to become what they had and accomplished all they did. I am not of this world and its because I had the example of my grandparents. Even though I don't trust people, it works out because nothing is expected back when I give, I truly give wholeheartedly no strings attached even though I was not brought up that way at home, I had grandparents that steered my heart differently.

4. I am thankful for Rhonda Cooper as a pillar for me that has remained genuine. Its nice to have a place to cry and not be judged but embraced and uplifted. I don't have to worry where shes at in life and with God, she is a constant for me as a woman of faith and a mother figure. I can fall down repeatedly and she picks me up and sends me on my way.

5. I am thankful for Larry and Janelle Grigg. Larry and Janelle have been my right hand for 6 years. Janelle has been in the ER, to babysitter to road trip buddy and everything in between. Always a phone call away, but doesn't get enough verbal appreciation for all shes done for me. I would not be where I am today without Larry and Janelle they have capes and have saved me so many times. Its rare to find a couple like them and they are treasured in my heart as precious jewels. I have been pulled out of bed in depression and had stomach aches from so much laughter and every thing you could ever imagine in between. I love these two people, very much!

6. I am thankful for Terisha Summers. Its nice to know that there is another just like me in so many ways that have been picked apart for by so many others throughout the years, but she is one of me. She has always been there for me in times of need. I have tried to be there for her, but shes too much like me to let someone else in. We are the same but at two different places in our lives. I will not give up because I know what that does also. We aren't overly girly but have very sensitive hearts. She has stepped in for me sacrificing her own time and energy. I hope this relationship grows more but I know with our trust issues it takes baby steps :)

7. I am thankful for Lorie McNeal. Lorie has been a true woman of God for as long as I can remember. She exemplifies woman, wife and mother of God and I have always looked up to her and been in awe. We don't talk much and I don't have much to offer her, but I have watched her for over 20 years. She always makes me want to be better.

8. I am thankful for Sherrie Lewis. Another relationship that is slow because our personalities clash due to being alike. I love to hear her speak, I love to know her stories and really she makes me laugh, I wish I was as witty as she is. I am drawn to strong, successful woman and she is just that. Im very secure in the things a woman can accomplish and she exemplifies all of them. I want to be her when it comes to work. Teaching and speaking into peoples souls is my dream, and she lives it.

9. I am thankful for Cyndy Spiker. When I started my real estate career, she was the first person to greet me when I opened the door. Im not sure why she was able to get inside of me like no other but she did remind me of one of my grandmothers and she always had something nice to say. She lifted me up and was an instant cheerleader. In a place of chaos, she remained calm and always had the right words. I miss her dearly as she moved away but she still warms my heart and makes me smile when I think of her.

10. I am thankful for Carl Borza. During our brief friendship he introduced me to the books "Captivating" and "Wild at Heart" and both changed my life forever. It was at the point I started to pursue God like no other and have just completely evolved out of a shell I had built around me that sucked the life out of me and everyone around me. He never stuck around to see the transformation, but it was a monumental point in my life that has changed me forever and really thank you isn't enough for what he did for my life and relationship with God.

11. I am thankful for Julie Smith and Justin Pittman. This is one of the newest relationships on this list but for the last year I have had so much laughter. I just never saw life as this much "fun". Im excited to be apart of Julies team but honored to be her friend. If there is such a thing as a soul sister, I believe we would be it as we are way to much alike. I have never really had girlfriends but Julie and Ashley Davidson have made my life so much more enjoyable and they are so special to me.

12. I am thankful for Holly Huddleson. Who knew that our plane being delayed forcing us to bunk together overnight in a hotel room would produce such a beautiful friendship? I love Holly so  much we are "the h'z". Holly is an amazing person with an amazing heart and I have enjoyed my Friday night dates with her the last few years (even though its been months...cough cough). I love all our adventures and our stomachs and faces hurt from laughing each and every time. She makes me feel a little bit more normal than the crazy Ive been before. My life would not be the same without her.

13. I am thankful for Hunter Cormier and Ben Cunningham for really putting up with me the last 15 years. When the public comes off they put up with whats left. Ben has gotten the unmasked Heather for 12 years, hes held the hair and changed the clothes. Hes carried me to bed and and held my hospital cords numerous occasions. Most importantly these guys blessed me with the greatest boys any person could ever have. I have learned so much about relationships, families and myself through these two. Most of you know that I am bi polar, but these guys have lived and dealt with it for years and choosing to still be in my life. I have pushed these two away from me repeatedly and to the core of any man, yet they stay. It speaks volumes about them both and I appreciate them.These guys make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world and have both gone above and beyond what anyone would do for a past relationship. They are both so good to me and I am truly blessed to have the relationships with each that I do. We aren't a normal family and in this case, Im ok with that.

14. I am thankful for Jamie and Jenn Austin. I enjoyed seeing them in action in Africa as real people and a real couple. Even though I was at a point in my life I was falling apart, my eyes were opened and my life was redirected. They will never know how that trip re coursed my direction, but it did. Jamie challenged my to stop focusing on the task and start enjoying the journey and instantly my life changed as my eyes and heart opened with new perspective. My life began when I walked through the doors of their church and under their leadership my insides are feeling, my heart is growing and strengthening and my mind is at a place of worship and peace. Life will never be the same and I don't ever have to look back.

15. I am thankful for Terrie Foster. Terrie whether she knew it or not has been a mentor to me for the last 10 years. As a successful business women and wonderful mother juggling both. I have observed far more than she would ever know. She has motivated me and pushed me when I didn't want to be motivated or pushed but had a love for me or tolerance I should say to never give up on me. We have a lot in common and have battled some of the same life experiences. Im glad to see her at her next level and excited to see how that meshes with my next level.

16. I am thankful for Valena Presley. Our relationship was a slow start but growing into something I never even imagined. We share the same heart for Haiti but have the same external wall. We are getting past it and weve both (I think) come to realization that neither one of us are what our first impression guided us to be lol. Love ya girl!!

17. I am thankful for my mom. She taught not to settle and what perseverance is. She struggled as a single mom to support my brother and I. She wasn't out doing her own thing, she worked. She worked her way up through a major company and persevered every day through, not because she was enjoying every moment but because she had responsibilities to take care of. My mom has always gone out of her way to make birthdays and holidays very special for everyone and is always thinking of others.

18. I am thankful for my newer friend Gidget. She flaked on me meeting her for quite sometime and when decided I wasn't going to let her then our relationship blossomed. I looked up to her blogs and stories, loved her inspiration and talent. She is always doing things for others and is one of the most genuine people Ive met in a long time. In my darkest moments this year she has been my middle of the night security who has let me ramble to the point of no sense just trying to make sense of things. Shes not a sugar coater and neither am I so it just works.

19. I am thankful for Billy and Amber Mayfield. This relationship had a rocky start as Amber and I had the wrong impression of each other. Its taken three years and circumstances to bring a bit of calmness. We share the heart of missions and have done almost every trip together in fact it seems wrong if Amber isn't there. Billy has been an encourager the last few months and even though I really don't know either of them as well as I hope to one day, I look up to both of them.

20. I am thankful for Kelly and Tracie Ward. I love that they have a heart of God and his desires. We have a heart for Haiti and adoption in common, yet they are carrying out the duty we are all called to do as Christians to care for the orphans and the elderly. This family of faith listens to God and work together in marriage and family that God designed and are a true inspiration to all they come in contact with.

21. I am thankful for Eric and Trisha Porter. I had the privilege of hosting dinner for the Porter family and although I have known Eric almost my whole life as I looked up to him as a big brother, I only met Trisha and the kids that one night. I made a complete fool of myself as usual when Im nervous, however I learned about their life, family and new ministry they were trusting God about. I was led by the spirit to join forces in what they were doing in orphan and foster care that I became a monthly supporter. I really took a big out of comfort zone step by inviting them out but it was a huge monument in the way I viewed Christian families and I thank them for their witness and encouragement at that point in my life. I love watching their ministry and family grow. I envision my life doing what they already are and am so excited for what the future holds.

22. I am thankful for Carol Twist Leonard. Carol has brought so much laughter to my life the entire time Ive known her and I don't even know how long its been at this point somewhere around 10 years. Carol is a fabulous listener and encourager and has been a cheerleader of mine when I had no hope in myself. I love her creativity and smile.

23. I am thankful for Robert and Lynn Newton. Robert and Lynn are everyones cheerleader, they believe in everyone and will do whatever they can to help you get to your goal. The Newtons have a huge heart for the city of Owasso and the people in it. They have sacrificed many hours and always go above and beyond in anything they do. The Newtons have hearts of Gold and I have enjoyed watching them through the years. They haven't been handed the best cards, but they are a strong family the thrive during any time and always think of others even in their own time of need. Lynn is very outspoken and I just love strong women that exemplify what it means to be a woman. The most selfless couple you could ever meet.

24. I am thankful for Jerry Chalk. This one seems odd, but knowing Jerry for over 20 years when I thought he was the strangest goofiest person and maybe he still is...I haven't seen him since his wedding at least 13 years ago ish. He was the most ecstatic, hyper person I had ever met, but when he was filled with the holy ghost and anointed to Gods calling of missions he was on it. He is still there today after all these years. I know what the hyperness and excitement is about now that I have it also but I am thankful that our paths met and I was inspired by him for his passion of God and excitement to share the news to anyone that would listen.

25. I am thankful for Scott and Lori Swindell. They have both showed me whats its like when your in a relationship with your best friend and what respect looks like within a relationship. I love watching them together and seeing their passion for the same things and the support they give each other.

26. I am thankful for my friend Chad Freeman. He has been in my life about 14 years and although we are like brother and sister and don't see eye to eye on anything, he has been a great friend to lean on and has always supported me. He grew up the same way I did and our family business' are alike. We relate on a different level and have always been mature for our ages. I admire Chad for his love of life. He is a super goofball that makes every encounter just a lot of fun and full of adventure.

27. I am thankful for Brian and April Frere. They gave me a job when I needed it most. I was told by peers that it would not work out because our personalities are alike and we would kill each other. So far three years have gone by and Im on one side of the office and hes on the other.... we have managed to work it out. They have two beautiful little girls and have shown me that hard work pays off. They are a wonderful family and I am so blessed that they have given me the opportunity. I spend a lot of time complaining about it but in the end am so grateful for working for such great people who want to be the best, that is a rarity to find these days and they have exceeded the term success in real estate and family.

28. I am thankful for Giselle Lenhart. Giselle has such a giving spirit. She just takes care of everything. Ive never heard her say no to anyone she always goes above and beyond and covers me on so many levels. I have enjoyed getting to know her the last few years on more than just a paperwork level. She always has a smile and something uplifting and positive to say. I appreciate her and am lucky to have her in my life.

29. I am thankful for Henry and Kate Scott. Genuine friends are hard to come by and although we don't spend enough time together every time we are together we just pick up like we never skipped a beat. I love their hearts and they genuinely have my best interest at heart. They have definitely given more in this relationship than I have and I need to repay it better than I have, but I am so grateful they stumbled into my heart. Kate has always supported and cheerleaded everything Ive ever gotten myself into whether business or personal she is always there when I need her, those kind of friends are hard to come by. I treasure them both so  much.

30. I am thankful for Maureen Blanton. Maureen has worked for my family for the last 15 years and recently retired. She never got enough thank yous for what she did and sacrificed throughout the years. She has valued our family secrets and a true confident, the highest compliment I can give anyone and I witnessed it over repeatedly. Maureen became apart of our family and we enjoyed sharing news, celebrations, recipes and holidays with her. She is like another grandma to us and we really felt her love for our family.

31. I am thankful for the handful of people whose names for personal reasons cannot be listed at this time but who have listened and picked up my chin when its been down and turned my tears into smiles the last few months. You know who you are and I really appreciate the support and uplifting comments you've given to brighten my days.

There are days when I feel so lonely like Im alone in this world and after writing out this incredible list of incredible people, I cant help but to feel the love around me. Im so blessed beyond measure to have these relationships in my life. I don't deserve any of them and yet all of these people are always a phone call away. I love the different dynamics of this list. Some have broken my heart and some Ive never given my heart but they all fill in places and voids throughout my life to complete me and join me in my life story. These people have impacted, shaped and molded me into who I am today and never gave up on me even when I had. Blessed beyond measure and so thankful for these lives.


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