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"We will never forget" 9/11

"We will never forget" means so many different things to many people. There is not much of history I have been apart of or too small to remember but as the quote says, I will never forget September 11, 2001. I worked at the airport and heard of the first tower crash on the radio as I approached the airport area, making it in to work to witness the second building being terrorized live on tv. We sat and watched with horror yet waiting to see what was next for the other plane off its course up in the air. Where would it hit, how many others were there? We started grounding all planes and I remember boarding air crafts full of people who sat in the plane on the ground for hours. The comments were so absolutely rude and selfish all about their time and comfort. I dont think I have ever looked at people the same since that moment as I stood there, a 21 year old single mom having the best paying job I had ever had for a high school drop out in absolute shock of what was happening in New York and replaying peoples faces and panic and jumping out of buildings. The black fire and dust and the sound of that building collapsing inwardly on all those people. Hours went by and we got all the planes moving again, I came inside to hear the words, "well this is it for the airline industry, we are laying everyone off and shutting our doors, today is your last day". I never did get paid for that two weeks of work, took it all the way through court system. Never have seen it other than an occasion court document....worthless court system I might say and that's not my only encounter with our backwards court system. I had traveled my whole life by airplane and to this very day I am a nervous wreck to fly. A fear was put in me that day, but also a spirit of not taking life for granted. I was a believer then, but wasnt in a relationship with God. I became angry not only as an American, but as a person. How someone could be so evil and voluntarily end human life just to make a statement and worse to call it religion. My anger worsened when my brother was deployed for three tours. Seeing and hearing only a fraction of what he went through and every other military family. The sacrifice, the terror and the aftermath mentally and physically is unimaginable to those of us who have not witnessed it. Ive read stories and seen pictures from people who lost their loved ones that day and there after, I just cant imagine. I had the privilege of touring ground zero about a month ago and it just a devastating place, I mean they made a beautiful park but when you see those names and items collected it just becomes so real. Each person around there has a story and hearing about the bell that sounded for weeks to follow indicating another dead body was found. One thing that really saddened me was a place where people can attach notes and things to a display. One of the kids put a note that said Im this age now daddy, heres what you missed, I wish you could have seen me do such and such omgoodness what a heartbreaking moment. I am always a ball of mush when it comes to kids, but these kids and families lives were changed forever. What I love about all of this is the heroism in people that put their lives before others, it is rare to find that spirit in such a self absorbed culture.

With all of that said, and I know everyone has their own stories and ways of handling things. I know I had fear and anger. I felt the same way with this latest Boston marathon terror act, but I learned something that day. These people doing these acts have a different culture than we do, and are brought up in a different religion. It all boils down to anger and hurt. I begin to feel bad for that young kid and understand that his act was a mold of how he grew up and yes, these young kids all over the world are training for bigger terrorist acts because of their hatred towards not only Americans but Christians. I learned years ago that freedom comes from forgiveness and as Christ forgives us we are to forgive others. It is not an excuse to do these acts of terror, but there is a bigger, hurting world out there than just our small area. I think about the violence and am outraged, but reading my bible, I see that is the life and history especially in foundational parts of the world.. We experience these tragic events maybe once or twice in a lifetime and there are people who live it everyday. The violence and terror that goes on around the world is unimaginable to someone like me, but yet so very real. What a blessing it is to live in America and yet for most people, they are upset when their daily routine gets delayed with a line or traffic. We are too busy being annoyed and rude to each other rather then loving on each other and spreading Christs word throughout actually armoring ourselves for the bigger battles that are to come. We will face bigger, deadlier wars and acts of terror....the bible has already warned us of what is to come. Do we really want to spend these days self absorbed and wrapped up in anger and bitterness? Can we use these days to share Gods word and testimony like he intended us to do and put all the day to day drama to death? There is freedom in forgiveness. There is joy in love. There is peace with a life right in tune with God and it surpasses all understanding. We need each other and we need to be right with God in order to conquer what is to come ahead. Satan has his sweet spot in the minds and bodies of our brothers and sisters in other areas of the world and it is our job, our only job to make sure they hear about the love and testimony of Christ. We have people sacrificing their lives and families everyday for our freedoms, the best way to return the favor is to join the fight with them, and not take them or our freedoms including religion forgranted.


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