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Going Viral

I visited a church over the weekend and at first had to practice what I preached a few blogs ago (im only human and still learning through this journey), but I dreaded going....I wasnt prepared for church my mom pulled in the parking lot and Im preparing to fly out with a tank top, no makeup and ballcap in jeans (ugh). Im not crazy about the pastor and I giggled at the music on my way in only to realize I just wrote about having church anywhere and it wasnt about what you looked like or music or people....duh! Thanks for the upper cut God LOL. To be honest I was thinking "oh, Im so gonna get paid back for this attitude, Im probably gonna walk out with the best message that Ive ever heard and God will speak so clearly to me today" (didnt happen). I did find a concept rather intriguing and kept digging deeper within myself. It only takes one person to set off a viral effect worldwide in seconds thanks to social media. It all starts with one photo or one post, then another friend sees it and shares, then another and so on. They did a visual demonstration of mousetraps set up in rows with ping pong balls and it took one ping pong ball to hit another that then hit two more that hit four more that doubled, triped, quadrupled and they all went so fast they exploded like crazy. It takes one person to post a video on you-tube to become a worldwide phenominon in seconds and minutes that used to take a lifetime to complete. The click of a button and bam millions are affected in seconds.

Then of course as I shared in my last post that I read a book and tribute to Mother Teresa on the plane home. Again, one woman whos father died when she was 12 came from a widowed mother, went to be a nun, became a teacher and had a heart of Christ to serve his people. She since then opened schools, orphanages, "hospice" homes, aids homes, worked with leporers and much more. She literally took the vow God called upon all of us for and did his work. She started one home and now has them all over the world in multiple countries...her legacy went viral.

I took the excuses out of my vocabulary with God and my arms are opened wide. I know I have my three kids as the start of my ministry now, but my prayer is to honor God with that task so that they in turn can go out and "infect" someone with their love of Christ and passion for his will. I see the places around the world through missions that people have built with God along with clinics and humanitrian services, I cant wait to be apart of all of it. My heart is right where Mother Teresas is, I just made a bumpier road for myself and a different avenue of getting there, but her ministry as most arent built took many years and I cant wait to see what God has in store for me. Of course kicking and screaming not to put me with the elderly or children, I just know thats where Ill be. My goal is to already be doing that here locally before he puts me where he needs me, Im getting closer lol.

If the internet has the power to effect millions in seconds and Mother Teresa has served millions in her lifetime, Im hoping that my brothers and sisters in Christ use our time wisely. We are here to "Go unto all the world and preach the good news"....Mark 16:15. Lets go "Viral" and "Infect" the world with his love, compassion and hope so that "He who is greater in us than he that is in this world" becomes "Infectious" throughout the world in which we live and serve in.


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